Domain Name System or DNS:
Domain name is linked to IP address or Internet Protocol which is a long and lengthy number or numerical address difficult to remember. Therefore domain name which is generally related to the business is easy to remember. For example so and so dot com or so and so dot org. Once the domain name for the business house is registered, the hosting providers automatically assign DNS name for the website. The hosting provider or the hosting company instantaneously process the browser of the business house to access and load websites. One can choose from an expensive website hosting company to a relatively inexpensive one according to the nature and value of business.
Transferring Existing Domain Name
Changing or transferring the hosting service is not difficult any more. Once a unique domain name for the business has been created and hosted it is not difficult to move to another affordable hosting company. This company may provide much more technical benefits than the previous one in terms of speed, secured data base back up etc.
Customized E-Mail
To make an online presence and have a good first impression for any business house is very important. A personalized email and unified brand address to the domain name relevant to the business conducted will create great impression.
Creation of Domain Names
Normally a web address has three basic components for identification. These technical tools may appear to be difficult but can be mastered by anyone to create a memorable and unified websites. The building blocks for the new domain or the site address is www.order.<businessname>.com; add a subdomain, a second level domain and top-level domain. With these basic rules domain name can be created and registered.
Availability of TLD or Top Level Domain
Choosing the right domain name relevant to the business is important. This depends on variety of factors but primarily what information is to be highlighted to the visitor forms the main part of the domain address. Domain names ending with generic names like .com, .org, .net and so on are common. Additionally now geographic locations have also seem to pick up like .us,.uk,.nyc apart from focusing on specific industry.
Al Sharq Street, Al Gulaya, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
+971 55 537 8122