LS commerce – Magento is a part of the LS retail unified solution designed to provide an eCommerce interface in Magento. This LS retail extension uses SOAP-based APIs to integrate Magentowith LS Central. It makes the job of web retailers to manage operations to LS Central, for example, customer log-in/registration, discount calculations, order payment , loyalty programs, etc.
Key Features of LS Commerce
It uses a replication method to populate the Magento catalog for products and services.
Keep Track of the last preaction fetching delta updates.
Enables Member Registration
Show loyalty information on the Magento account dashboard.
Complete cart integration to the Magento platform.
Proper order management feature to manage sales orders, special orders, and more.
Now, you have a basic knowledge of LS commerce – Magento and how APIs are used to connect Magento with LS retail central. Next, we will learn how to install or set up LS commerce – Magento.
The complete installation of LS Central will be carried through the composer. It is easy to install this extension but it has some prerequisites, which are:
Magento Open Source – current version
LS Central – current version
LS commerce service 4.5.x
Steps to Install:
First, login to your server as an SSH user and go to the Magento directory.
Run composer to install the latest version of Magento extension and use it for Magento Open Source. If you are using Magento commerce: run command on the composer: retail/ls mag-enterprise.
Run composer to install all dependencies needed.
Check the status of the LS Retail modules, run the command : php bin/magento module: status from the root directory.
Enter the command to enable all modules : php bin/magento module: enable
Use command : php bin/magento setup:upgrade and php bin/magento setup:di:compile for updating the Magento 2 database with the schema and extract interceptor files from the root directory.
After the update is complete, configure the extension and connect to LS Central.
In conclusion
Setting up LS commerce is easy if you have a basic technical knowledge of SSH and Magento. If installing LS eCommerce is troublesome, it is better to take the help of experts for installation and configuration. Install LS eCommerce for eCommerce stores to work effortlessly.